The people,now living north of mereb , who originated in the land of chs`chse in the valley of Sodom ,speak a language of Tigray,albeit,a corrupted one. It is an affront to our diginity as Tigrayans.Why do they use our Geeze alphabet,any ways,after they betrayed us to Italos?Why are they so anti -poor farmers while 80% of their people are the most destitute farmers and nomads? The answer , they say,"because they are ANSEBA-ZeEmdeke-Elitu."
Meles!!!look how much we hate these people and read their insults towards us,posted on Asmarino ,Dehaiino,Alenalkino and Ankenkinos.You calling them fraternal to us is, however,the worst insult I have ever heard towards Ethiopia.Do you Know,Meles,Some of us lost a brother or a sister in the shaebia instigated war.Wern`t you the commander in chief?
quote: Originally posted by: Zebenai Asfaha/Tembenai "The people,now living north of mereb , who originated in the land of chs`chse in the valley of Sodom ,speak a language of Tigray,albeit,a corrupted one. It is an affront to our diginity as Tigrayans.Why do they use our Geeze alphabet,any ways,after they betrayed us to Italos?Why are they so anti -poor farmers while 80% of their people are the most destitute farmers and nomads? The answer , they say,"because they are ANSEBA-ZeEmdeke-Elitu." Lesew LIj Deke -Elitu Kemehon Yimaren Yasengnal!!!!! Meles!!!look how much we hate these people and read their insults towards us,posted on Asmarino ,Dehaiino,Alenalkino and Ankenkinos.You calling them fraternal to us is, however,the worst insult I have ever heard towards Ethiopia.Do you Know,Meles,Some of us lost a brother or a sister in the shaebia instigated war.Wern`t you the commander in chief? Hsebulu`Da Merahtna!!!!!!!! Dob Tigrayna Kab`Ruba MaiTEB Ybges!!!!!!!!!"
Well said ZEbenai!'QuomatanQumata kalalut Lfetftluo ylwotalna " metenqweq!!!!