Back in July 2003, I wrote an article following the Hague ruling from which I inferred this excerpt. I am not a prophet though
"Meles in his recent briefing said "Assab has nothing to do with the border ruling" and again later, he went on saying that "there are more pressing issues to tackle than the issue of Badme". In a real world, one may ask what more "pressing issue" could there be for a Prime Minister to fight for, than the current border ruling that jeopardized the welfare of the very country that he represents?" And if the "pressing issue" is not Badme, then it obviously is the issue of " normallization of relation with Eritrea and there by setting up a fullflegded deplomatic mission". But be not deceived thy shalt not mock the people of Ethiopia any longer, fore the people are aware of your sinister motive that has pushed the country to the threshold of disaster. END.
And the following is part of Meles's latest five point initiative whose aim is, auctioning our Badme to the highst bidder, that is Shabia....
"Ethiopia's acceptance of the border ruling is part of a five-point peace plan that Prime Minister Meles submitted to parliament last week. The plan also calls for dialogue and improved diplomatic relations"