I am wondering why Ethiopian like crying on split of milk, rather get over and catch up with poverity, AIDS. For the last four decade, generation vanished for no reason and still to go another round. Is Ethiopian has lack of leadership or the entire people are cursed - not to sing peace song and dislike each other for ever. On the best of my knowlege, Ethiopia is the richest county in East African, has much reasource to feed the whole Ethipian. However, when we comes to the reality, Ethiopian resources (including human being) has been abused by narrow minded leaders( like 'Ene kemotku serdo aybkel' style). Let us think of the comming generation, instead of serving our cursed, self-centered spirit.
From my understanding, those who sing war song, are not peace lover, are not looking forward to see Eritrean and Ethiopian singing peace song and do not wish to be an East African role model.
Listen, my brothers and sisters Ethiopian, may you have high dignity for those poor Ethiopian. AND try to accept reality(never be day light dreamer like Meles and his fellow dose ) and get over with it.
Mr. Mengistu put a huge illusion on every Ethiopian, sucking your blood, left you with nothing and Mr. Meles, so doing it!!! , lied 3 times- as far as the decision of EEBC concered- to the entire Ethiopian PEOPLE, just because he couldn't bear the reality and he will be lieing you now and then....Why? I leave it for peace lover Ethiopian.. As Haileselase and Mengistu managed to put the Name Ethiopian - in oxford dictionary - as an example of famine , Mr Meles will so do it again as an example of begger...what a leader!