Good by Ethiopia, you are sinking like titanic, it is time you die, time to give way for the new comers, but you would have children soon, by the name of Abay tigray, Oromia, and Amara gizat. They will be tiny countries who will fight each other for years. You will be the joke of the century, GOOD BY ETHIPIA.
You Eritrians, you have already applied to join the Arab League. The US knows this and you know which category the US has listed your country. So why bother Ethiopia the land of the Black Jews and Christians? Most of your leaders in power now were trained and financed by terrorist countries like Syria Even now on your government’s official website your emblem is camel flanked by Arabic As you are now openly telling us, your long-term objective is to break-up Ethiopia in to 2 or 3 small states. You will die with your evil dream. We know who gave you this evil agenda. You are still financed by terrorist Arab states and you want to weaken the only long time traditional and trusted ally of the USA and the West in East Africa-Christian and Jewish Ethiopia. You will never succeed. Ethiopians will fight back hard and decisively.
Also remember what President George W. Bush said 2 years ago: “The US will not tolerate any attack on Ethiopia!” Understand why? You may not understand it now! We the Jews of Ethiopia (wherever our communities are) will work hard to keep Ethiopia safe. My advice to you is: be good negibours, don’t try to destabilize Ethiopia. Mark my word; you will lose your own country in the process.
The enemies of Israel, the US and Ethiopia will be hunted down and destroyed wherever they are!