Weyanes are so mean over Eritrea is just not because they have a legitimate land that was taken by Eritrea but simply to make sure Eritrea is behind Ethiopia in both economicaly and politicaly. Eritrea's economic development in the first years of its independence was shocking news to most of Ethiopians and all Tigrayans. Eritrea is easy to develope if peace is secured on its border with its traditional enemy, Ethiopia. Eritreans are eager to see well developed Eritrea in all aspects such as social, political, cultural, economical, and in both science and sports as well. Ethiopia, however, with its all natural resources, vast fertile land, and water resources remained the poores nation form many many years. It was not surprising to read "Ethiopia the shame of Africa" written by one of the Nigerian newspaper. Ethiopia instead of mobilizing its human resources and channel them towards agricultural development, it chose direct them to war fields. tHE Amharic saying...YE ABAY LIGI WUHA TEMAW YE LACHIN LIGI KIMAL BELAW...implied to the nature of Ethiopia. I swear to God it is sad to see ppl who live around the Lake Tana and Abay River starving.
Now it is in appropriate to fight for Badme that is legaly given to Eritrea, instead of working in the more rich lands Ethiopia have. Ethiopia chose to feed Egypt rather than its own ppl. The worst part is Ethiopia have killed its precious time in war and leaving its own ppl behind. Once morde now, Ethiopia chose to fool it self and die for a peice of land of its neigbor rather than to turn its huge troop in developmental sectors. Otherwise, there is no reason for Ethiopia to stick with its war policy just to get a land that is not hers. So it seems to me that the path that the Weyane prefered is to see poor Eritrea even it is at the expense of Ethiopia.