I say no more Asmera again, the reason should be clear to everyone of you you. Why would anyone be a citizen of a country that treats it's citizen the lowest of low? Besides, a small nation have a history of not surviving exception to very few countries like Israel. I truly believe Eritrea will not survive as a nation due to many facts. We, all know, my reletives in Eritrea do not have the natural resources, except fish to export and earn hard currencies. Even these days oil and gas is given out just as ration. You can not buy it becasue no money. Without the help of Ethiopia the country is frozen. Let's assume that there no more border war, do you think normal relation will start? NO. becasue as long as SHABIA is alive there will be no open door policy, that will leave the people of Eritrea(my families) living on donors handout forever. That is one of the reason I do not want to become Eritrean no more. It is like being Somalians. Atlease these people live because of the Arabs, but Christian Eritrean who do we look for when we need help? No one!!! Ethiopia is the alternative.